The 4th Dimension. The New Organization for all things T-4!

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The "4th Dimension"

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The 4th Dimension. The New Organization for all things T-4!


Seeing you guys planning a get together inspired this post!

about 2 years ago we started a thread about wanting to start an organization to promote the TIV engine, in all facets. There were alot of good ideas, but there was no organization, and things were not as intense in the TIV realm as they are now.

I want to do it! We need it so very badly! Our engines and converted vehicles get little if any ink from the magazines, because they have little TIV advertisers! Its time that we do our own thing, and do it the right way.

I will be a major sponsor of this, and I'm sure I could organize a few of other sponsors as well. I could help pay for costs of getting it started up, until some dues would roll in to get it on its feet. we could sell T shirts and hats, and with dues it would pay for the club to offer a newsletter and maybe even some events at a later time.
The details could be worked out as we go along.

I want to be heavily involved with the iorganization, but I have ALOT on my plate. What I'm in search of are a few individuals that would be willing to dedicate themselves to a position in the organization. I think that a team of 5 individuals, and myself could initiate, manage, and promote the club with no problems, with delegated authority.

we would need:

"fearless leader" That would probably be me in the beginning, since I have a network of those in the know with TIV stuff..... Later that authority would be transferred and I would step back to the major sponsor position..

Organizer- Main dude that would work closely with me to get things started and would be second in command. He would be a TIV lover, and a guy that likes organization and making things happen. He would step into the position that I will hold, when things are up and going.

Treasurer- Someone to keep track of an account for club funds, and accounts payable and receivable. Easy job- important job.

Webmaster- Someone to build us a website thats is very in depth and dedicated to the TIV engines promotion. The site I dream of is separated into 3 parts.... 411/412 and Bus.... 914/912E.... and then conversion. We already have this forum, and it could be our discussion board- perfect! The webmaster would have to work with the treasurer to get a paypal set up on the site to handle new members and their dues maony. This would also be used for those who want to contribute to the fund to get things rolling.

Developer- This dude would be in charge of finding artwork for T shirts and fliers, and the creation of such. he would work closely with the treasurer and the "Fearless Leader" to make some really cool things come to life. He will have an important job, because he has to design things that are as different as we are!

Recruiter- It's hard work, but we need one! Need someone to pass the word about who we are and what we do! This person would be in charge of finding representatives that would be at various shows that are local to them, that would pass out our information at the show! wheteher it be a flier, or a booth set up at larger shows. the recruiter position would be very important till we get started, then his job would be much easier.

Printer/ newsletter organizer- The dude that would be in charge of just that. Heopefully it would be someone with journalism experience to make us an awesome publocation every month, or bi monthly. The newsletter I imagine would have members featured cars, vehicles just completed, and new product reviews, and a tech page that would rotate amongst those of us more knowledgeable each month. This would be an important job, but would make us an awesome organization!

I'm looking for volunteers that would be willing to help me with this new idea. I want to do it badly, and money is not an issue till we get things started. I'll foot the entire bill! The magazines want atleast 1,000 bucks a month for an ad, and I would damn sure rather spend that on a club, as ink in a book that cares little about our conversions!

We could utilize this forum, and could use the poll option to have votes for officers and delegated positions. I want to keep dues low, and make being a member worth the effort in many, many ways. The organization would be for all those that are interested in TIV information, and the promotion of our engines. They would not have to be a current owner of a TIV powered vehicle, just like them.

I chose the 4th dimension name because it fits so well. Everyone sees things in a 3rd dimension in the world of performance ACVWs and Porsche's.....Its time that we show our dimension to more and more people. The name would satisfy 914, bus and TIV converts all the same...since we are all of the 4th dimension.

I elected to make this a poll to see how many prospectful club members we would have just from this site. Kind of a feeler to see if the demand is where we need it to make it work.

So, I need two things. I need votes from those who would be a member, and I need some dedicated volunteers to work with me on this. I would like to get this rolling as soon as 2004 rolls around. So, speak up, voce your opinion and let me know what you think. If you think I'm crazy, cast your ballot....Think its a great idea, cast your ballot...don't care?? cast your ballot....

Okay, show your dedication to the wave of the "4th dimension"...Give me volunteers- Lets do it!
Last edited by MASSIVE TYPE IV on Thu Jan 29, 2004 11:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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BTW, dues would probaly be about 20 bucks per year.....
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Class 11 streeter
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Post by Class 11 streeter »

Well Jake......sounds crazy enough to work (like a lot of things you do :P ).......we would end up being more of a confederation than a typical club, since we have people around the world into T4' meetings would be virtural, maybe we could use the STF chat on a certain day of the week or something, or maybe we could talk Brian or Keith to let us have a "4th Dimension" club forum, if we said plea$e.....:wink:

Edit: D'oh! Oh yeah, I'm in!
Last edited by Class 11 streeter on Thu Nov 27, 2003 10:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
So you think your project is taking forever eh? Well you've got nothing on me.....
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Yep.... sounds good. I'm pretty sure they would help us out... Perhaps keep it for members only. :roll:

I know it will work. I think the idea of a virtual chat, and members all over the world would be great.

Face it, the only reason fewer people do this, is because we don't get the magazine coverage that the TI does, and people are less educated about it. These forums have done more for this engine and conversion than anyone would imagine. I have watched it happen!

It sure has gotten alot of views already, but we need more votes. I put the word out on some other forums TIV related as well. Spread the word!
max power
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Post by max power »

Count me in! I would love to help out with the artwork in any way needed for the developer role. I've got some graphic design and 3d modeling experience and could produce some cool images to use for shirts or the webpage. I've already got some ideas.
max power
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Post by max power »

double post
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Post by Wally »

Hi Jake,
I (and many with me) would devour (sp?) a newsletter that was dedicated to only type 4 powered cars. Excellent!!
I would however be a little reluctant if the web-site or publication wasn't objective to all things type 4 related.
In short: would your 'club' be willing to publish and report also on other idea's (103's, 911 cooling, EFI, other company's conversions) than than your own (which are pretty strong :-) )?

BTW I love your initiative about this!

T4T: 2,4ltr Type 4 Turbo engine, 10.58 1/4 mi
"Mine isn't turbo'd to make a slow engine fast, but to make a fast engine insane" - Chip Birks
Racer Chris
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Post by Racer Chris »

You could count on me as a member and as a sponsor. Probably not interested in an official role at this time. :)
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Post by Wesayso »

As long as it's an International group with International ideas published I'm all for it! I thinks it's good to have input from all around the globe... I really enjoy reading the stuff on this forum from people everywhere around the world, like South Afrika, the US, UK, Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland etc...

There are a lot of different thoughts on these machines and that's the way I like it. I think it helps all of us to keep our minds open to new things :D
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Post by stkbus »

Last edited by stkbus on Fri Jan 09, 2004 7:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by vujade »

Im sure most of the VKG guys would support your club Jake.
Im also sure some of us could help you with the club duties in some way too.

shoot me an email to let us know what we can do.
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Post by Sandeep »

Sounds great. I will offer my programming abilities for this venture.

At the last VW show I was at, I was one of 2 (out of about 200) bugs with a T4 ... :roll:

Let me know how I can help.

the type4 apprentice
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Post by the type4 apprentice »

Definately interested :D

The more I learn about type4 engines, the more I'm convinced it's the way to go. Would be good to see some 'How to' content, including some of the basics aswell as the rocket science (I'm still a learner!) :?
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Post by Shadowbug »

I'm in, but won't be able to make the "get together"s as I'm located in canada.